Cigna Donating $1 to Diabetes Association for Each Social Media Share of Its Preventive Care Badge

Cigna Donating $1 to Diabetes Association for Each Social Media Share of Its Preventive Care Badge

Cigna, a health insurance company with an emphasis on preventive care, recently announced that it will donate $1 to the American Diabetes Association every time its campaign badge is shared on social media. The company’s campaign is called “America Says Ahhh” and runs through March 31, 2016.

The campaign follows Cigna’s corporate goal of keeping people well, secure and productive, and of decreasing the risk of financial difficulties related with unnecessary health costs. The company’s badge on Twitter and Facebook reads: “Had your annual check-up? Share this to inspire others to get theirs.” For every social media share it gets, the company will donate up to $100,000, dollar by dollar, to help the ADA’s #StopDiabetes, #CheckupsCount effort.

“Preventive care is a key part of lasting wellness,” said Maggie Powers, PhD, RD, CDE, president-elect, Health Care and Education, American Diabetes Association, in a press release. “Booking or confirming an annual physical with your health care provider sets you up for another year of health. Exams are especially important for anyone looking to prevent, delay or manage diabetes. An annual check-up also sets a baseline for your health that will enable your health care provider to make informed and personalized recommendations during a health need. For anyone managing diabetes, meeting with a diabetes educator can provide valuable resources for continued health between physician visits. Lasting healthy lifestyle choices start with small steps, like booking an annual physical, but those small steps add up and can lead to lasting wellness.”

Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report that Americans only use half of the recommended rate of services focused on preventive care. Cigna’s campaign calls on people to get annual physical examinations as well as to improve their use of preventive care.

The campaign also educates the public about four fundamental factors in the management and reduction of health-related costs: cholesterol, blood sugar, body mass index (BMI), and blood pressure levels. Cigna health studies revealed that a better understanding of these four health factors could save as much as $500 per year in healthcare-associated costs. Ignoring these factors, conversely, could lead to more than $3,000 in annual healthcare-related costs.

Cigna’s goal is to inspire people to get check-ups and ultimately help save 100,000 lives per year, which, according to estimates from the CDC, is the number of lives that would be saved in the U.S. if people received the recommended preventive care.

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