World Diabetes Day Focused On Healthy Food

World Diabetes Day Focused On Healthy Food

Dr. Constance Chan, The Director of Health at a healthy luncheon event organized by the Department of Health (DH), Diabetes Hongkong, and the School of Hotel and Tourism Management of the Chinese University of Hong Kong asked the public to help prevent and control diabetes through a healthy diet. The idea comes as part of the World Diabetes Day (WDD) theme for 2014 to 2016  — “Healthy Living and Diabetes.”

“Diabetes is one of the major non-communicable diseases of concern worldwide and has been identified by the World Health Organization as a non-communicable disease which requires global emergency action,” explained Dr. Constance Chan in a press release. “In Hong Kong, it is one of the main causes of morbidity and mortality. There were 360 registered deaths with diabetes as underlying cause of death in 2013. Diabetes was the 10th leading cause of death locally.”

Further, the director of the Department of Health of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region highlighted the issue of obesity and lack of physical activity as risk factors for diabetes, and that modifying unhealthy lifestyles can help reduce and prevent diabetes. Also, she added“I know that some people may be unhappy after being diagnosed with diabetes. The reason is they believe that only a limited variety of food will be available for them afterwards. The objective of the healthy luncheon event today is to provide some suggestions and ideas for homemade healthy and delicious food.”

Professor Ronald Ma from the Department of Medicine and Therapeutics at the Chinese University of Hong Kong reminded the public that diabetes affects young people as well as older people. Hence, younger generations have to be aware, too. “The problem of diabetes developing at a younger age is an important issue in Asia,” said Ma. “Recent research by the Chinese University of Hong Kong, with over 15,000 patients with type 2 diabetes being assessed, found that about half of them were diagnosed with diabetes before their 50s. The situation made us worried as about 20 per cent of the participants were diagnosed with diabetes even before their 40s.”

To encourage diabetic patients to engage in a healthier lifestyle, Mr Dick Lee, Executive Director of the Hong Kong Institute for Public Administration and Ms. Louisa So, a well-known actress, performed a demonstration where they cooked two delicious meals appropriated for diabetic patients. More recipes can be found here.

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